6 tips to drive stock turnover

6 tips to drive stock turnover A retailer who turns their stock over quickly is a successful retailer. Fast turning stock is lean and focused with a continuous flow of new merchandise and irresistible displays. So if you want to improve your business´s performance try implementing these top tips. 1. Buy more frequently. Frequent buying […]
Cashflow – The life blood of every Retailer

Cash flow. If there is one thing that will keep you awake at night, its cash flow. It really is the life blood of any business. Because without it, there is nothing. When the cash is flowing, the business has a future. But when its in short supply, life can look so bleak. So where […]
5 Ideas to Get Your Shop Back off the Floor

If you feel you are one of many Retail outlet owners not making a lot of money in your retail operation, and you do not enjoy enough demand for your store to be highly profitable, whether you are the owner of a single-unit, a franchisee or a C-level executive of a chain, you don’t want […]
5 benefits of Good Inventory Management

Inventory management is a good practice for any company. If you are not keeping a watchful eye on your inventory or counting stock regularly, you are setting yourself up for potential inventory errors and challenges. Proper inventory management really can make or break your business! Keep the following benefits in mind as you weigh the […]
Retail Customer Loyalty Tips

Retail Customer Loyalty Tips One of the keys to maintaining a thriving business is a steady customer base. A successful company typically sees 80 percent of its business come from 20 percent of its customers. Once a shopper enters your store, they’re in the perfect setting to enjoy everything that sets you apart from competitors […]
Boost your Christmas sales with these tips

Boost your Christmas sales with these tips Christmas is one of the busiest season for Retailers and this year it seems to be very promising. Consumer confidence is growing as well as retailers’, as a reflection of the lift in the Irish economy. Research from Barclays’ Irish arm stated that more than 68% of surveyed […]
Top Tips for Visual display for Retailers

Visual merchandising is an important part of running a successful shopfront. After all, your displays are the key to grabbing the attention of passersby and turning those people into customers. But you are a business owner, not necessarily a designer or artist; so how do you employ visual merchandising to attract more customers? Use these […]
6 Management Tips for Retailers

Many times managers and independent retail owners are pulled and pushed in dozens of ways because of the nature of the business. As a result managers and owners can become overwhelmed by multiple demands resulting in not moving the business forward. It’s essential to focus on what’s important in your business and here some tips […]
6 most common mistakes small retailers make

Having a business fail can be devastating but unfortunately it happens all too soon. To survive, a new business owner should avoid the following fatal mistakes. 1. Failure to plan Many new retailers plunge into business with little more than a wing and a prayer. Which is why it´s so important to write a Business […]