6 tips to drive stock turnover

6 tips to drive stock turnover A retailer who turns their stock over quickly is a successful retailer. Fast turning stock is lean and focused with a continuous flow of new merchandise and irresistible displays. So if you want to improve your business´s performance try implementing these top tips. 1. Buy more frequently. Frequent buying […]
7 tips to prevent shoplifting and employee theft

Shrinkage can be a huge problem in the retail trade. Supplier fraud, employee theft and shoplifting can all destroy profits. Here are a few ideas to help stem the problem. 1. Get your staff on board According to research, only 27% of shoplifters plan their crime in advance. You can help them to resist the […]
5 benefits of Good Inventory Management

Inventory management is a good practice for any company. If you are not keeping a watchful eye on your inventory or counting stock regularly, you are setting yourself up for potential inventory errors and challenges. Proper inventory management really can make or break your business! Keep the following benefits in mind as you weigh the […]